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CHIVAS Regal 1 L
Chivas 12 is a classic for a reason. Made up of the finest malt and grain Scotch whiskies, this 12-year-old blended Scotch whisky is our signature status blend – and never fails to deliver. Our signature 12-year-old whisky is a blend of iconic Speyside flavors.
Type Scotch Wisky Manufacturer Pernod Ricard Country of origin Scotland Introduced 1801 Alcohol 40% -
Double Black Label 1 L
The Whiskey Premium and intense Premium Scottish of Johnnie Walker offers a more smoked and robust version of the most own flavors of Johnnie Walker Black Label. Our mixers have selected Whiskies Malta Scottish aged and smoked naturally that grant a transcendent and embroilved character. By including other (Strong> Specially matured Malta-Strong Malta Whiskies for mixing in ancient barrels intensely charred, such as Cardhu, have conceived a whiskey in which the characteristic flavor of Johnnie Walker. Aromas of apple, pear and orange that add freshness, with creamy vanilla and spices that bring softness and sweetness to the palate. Walker Double Black is best enjoyed with water to unleash its complex brush strokes of hot spices and smoke. An exceptional mix to share on any occasion. The insurmountable gift since 1820.
Brand Name: Johnnie Walker
Volume: 1 L
Type Scotch Premium Whiskey Manufacturer Diageo Country of origin Scotland Introduced 1820: Grocery shop
1865: Whisky blendingAlcohol 40% -
Jack Daniel Whisky 750ml
₨ 6,000.00Sour mash whiskey made in Tennessee from natural corn, rye, barley malt and then charcoal filtered. Sweet with caramel, vanilla and charred wood. Pure, clean, and smooth. Classic. Enjoy on the rocks or in mixed drinks.
Brand Name: Jack Daniel
Volume: 750 ML
Category: Bourbon Whisky
Red Label 750 ML
Johnnie Walker Red label, combining up to 35 Whiskies distilleries from all Scotland, is the best sold in the world. Made to be enjoyed, Johnnie Walker Red label embodies the innovative spirit of the Walker family, which in 1820 led its mixtures to all corners of the planet. Sparkling and spicy, brings us an experience of vibrant and smoky flavors. Stimulating the palate with the unmistakable spark of aromatic spices such as cinnamon and pepper, which almost seem to bubble in the mouth. With a pinch of green apple sweet, which refers us to the characteristic end of Johnnie Walker, prolonged and smoked. It is recommended to experience it with ice in a tall glass, accompanied by a soda as a ginger ale. Johnnie Walker is undoubtedly the perfect award-winning gift for any family, friend, colleague and occasion since 1820.
Brand Name: Johnnie Walker
Volume: 750 ML
Type Scotch Premium Whiskey Manufacturer Diageo Country of origin Scotland Introduced 1820: Grocery shop
1865: Whisky blendingAlcohol 40% -
VAT 69 1L
VAT69 is a whiskey sweet and harmonized with a fruitful legacy. In 1882, William Sanderson, a scotish liquor manufacturer, created 100 different cubes and hired a panel of expert tasters of whiskey to select the best. The 69th Cuba was selected and thus originated the whiskey vat69. This proportioned flavor beverage has been mixed using forty Whiskies malt and different grain.
Brand Name: Johnnie Walker
Volume: 1 L
Type Blended Scotch Whiskey Manufacturer Diageo Country of origin Scotland Introduced 1882 Alchohol 40%